mercredi 27 janvier 2016

What Can You Learn From Hugging A Porcupine?

By Evan Sanders

So, I hate to break it to you...I've never truly hugged a porcupine.

But in this metaphor, I have.

So bear with me for a second.

Relationships can be incredibly complicated.

All types of relationships are complicated. It's amazing that any of us get along in the first place. With all of the craziness of life going on, life can be pretty difficult at times.

Then throw in people's past experiences into the pot with a dash of ego and we have even more of a miracle that we can get along.

But there's something really to be said about "being there" for people despite all of the complexities of life. There's something to be said for being someone's rock when everything seems to be falling apart around them.

We all need someone to support us from time to time when things get hard. Because the reality is that we can't do this thing called life all on our own. We need others to confide in. We need others to give us a hand.

However, that takes some serious vulnerability.

It takes breaking down those walls in front of someone else and being able to show them exactly who you are. You don't censor it. You don't hide parts. You just go...this is exactly who I am.

So what's the really beautiful part about this?

You give another person an opportunity to love you just the way you are.

You become imperfectly perfect to them and that is one of the most beautiful things in the world.

We all, deep down, are thirsting for a love that seems to be harder and harder to come by these days.

People can be pretty prickly at a porcupine...especially when their lives get really hard.

Give those people a hug.

No matter what is going on in a persons life, let them know that they are loved and that they have support.

That's true love.

That's really loving someone for who they are.

That's how we all deserve to be loved.

That' what we deserve.

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