samedi 2 juillet 2016

Your Guide To Best Sci Fi Books

By Melissa Parker

Other people find it hard to understand how those who love to read, could trade a party for a cup of coffee and a good book or two. But then that is what their idea of a weekend or free time well spent is. And naturally, these people somehow have great dreams of being writers too.

Someone once said that the rules of writing comes down to two simple words. And that is reading and writing. This is what makes a good writer. Before that however, you must develop your love of also having the best free scifi books in your possession or your shelf, to be more specific.

Do not get stuck in all the hype of arguments over rankings or listings. For sure there will be bloggers and polls that will never justify the literary value of a good book. People will still be entitled to their opinion in the end. Thus, instead of arguing, take these listings as suggestions.

Especially when it comes to science fiction, because the genre is somehow hard to grasp sometimes. Only the ones who love a sense of adventure with a tinge of fantasy and dystopia feels can appreciate. Jennifer Lawrence would not have marked her place in Hollywood had it not been for the adaptation of the Hunger Games trilogy by Susan Collins.

A good one does not always mean the most modern. There are vintage ones that are critically acclaimed and deserves a bit more attention. Then again a following is rarely guaranteed. Not unless it is something as genius as 1984 by author George Orwell, which inspired the reality franchise show Big Brother.

You can make your own list after you have gathered enough information. Check why one stands out from the rest when it comes to analysis from the best of critics. Do not mistake a great review from one source as the answer. And it is always easy to fall for the hype of how it was advertised by publishers.

You see, readers are subjective. That is why cult series exists. For some reason there are those that are slammed by the critics but nevertheless receives a following from a specific admiring audience with authors like Virginia Andrews. But a V. C Andrews will always be different from a Margaret Atwood.

Try to figure out what good or best means to you. Look at it this way. A Harry Potter novel may not exactly have the same effect to you as the Lord Of The Rings trilogy. Also, do not wait for adaptations in the big screen before you buy a copy of Fahrenheit by Ray Bradbury. A success in the cinemas does not necessarily warrant it to be a good read. Otherwise, prepared to be disappointed.

If anything, you would only come across the ones worthy to be on your shelf or your hard drive. Speaking of which, a hard copy may be more valuable but try the free ones first. You can only do that most of the time by downloading files of these books in pdf forms. They are worth a try, especially on this age of movie adaptations.

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