mardi 29 octobre 2013

How To Become A Nurse Author

By Marsha Klein

There are several types of nurse author and all are in significant demand currently. There are those that write fictional stories in novel format often with a health sector theme and also screenwriters who write television shows and movies set in hospitals which are very popular among audiences. However, the majority write nonfiction works offering advice and knowledge on health care issues.

Nursing professionals who believe they can contribute their insight and knowledge to readers and viewing audiences, should take a leap of faith and start penning something straight away. Some nurses feel nervous about the concept of becoming writers believing that perhaps they are not qualified or will not be able to pull it off properly. This could not be further from the truth.

To begin with, most nurses are more than qualified to take up writing for publication. In order to qualify as modern nurses requires a level of academic output which includes essay and dissertation writing. This feat alone, requires skills in planning and researching content and then presenting it in a coherent and engaging way. This is a fundamental necessity for any piece of writing, even works of fiction.

Secondly, caring for people takes on many forms. Primary care that most nurses are involved in is of crucial importance and a service that the whole of mankind depends on. However, you can also care for people by providing them information. Many people research issues about their health and look to qualified writers to provide that information. Also, you would not be a qualified practitioner if you had not read the works of others in your training. You may also want to contribute to the training of other nurses.

Ordinary people are always seeking information on certain key topics related to health. Some of these topics include conception and pregnancy through to childbirth and the care of babies and infants. As people are living longer, there is also more interest in staying healthy in old age and caring for elderly people.

In fact ever increasing amounts of people are regaining control of their own health concerns and delegating less and less to power to doctors in clinics and hospitals. Alternative medicine and natural health care are all subjects of great interest to the reading public and these are also areas that healthcare professionals are trusted to provide their expertise and insight.

Modern technology has meant that more people than ever before can get a readership for their writing. The internet has led to a boom in the demand for writing and nursing professionals who have become writers should certainly explore this new opportunity. Blogging can also provide useful residual incomes if done correctly.

Self publishing offers new avenues for a nurse author to consider. It means that you do not have to satisfy the criteria of someone else of what is marketable and what is not. However, you will be responsible to doing your own marketing if sales success is an important factor for you.

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